Dev8ed 2012
30 May 2012I’ve just got back from two days at Dev8ed which was hosted at Conference Aston. This was my 6th or 7th DevCSI event as as with all the others it was very well organised at we were looked after throughout the event.
On day one I spent the morning discussing some of the potential use cases of XCRI-CAP feeds, which, for those who don’t know are XML dumps published by educational institutions to describe the courses they offer.
My favourite potential use case of the course data is a tool that will allow prospective students to download a personalised prospectus. The main problem with most institution prospectuses currently are that they contain every single course that is available. What would be nice is a way for a prospective student to express keywords or the types of course they are interested in and then they will be able to download a PDF prospectus that was generated on the fly that only includes courses that are relevant to them.
On day two I did two presentations. The first presentation was about the different tools and services we use in LNCD which help us be better developers.
The second presentation was an introduction to HTML5 and CSS3 (based on my presentation I did at Dev8D).